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Achievements - completed actions

A number of Island Plan actions have already been completed and delivery of these has taken place over the last 12 months.


  1. Building great communities

  2. An Island of health & wellbeing

  3. A strong and diverse economy

  4. An environment we can be proud of

  5. Outstanding lifelong learning and development opportunities for all


Building great communities

Cost of Living Strategic Response

  • Action: Cost of living, provide universal interventions
  • Complete: October 2022

  • Action: Domestic event fund and LoveIOM card launched
  • Complete: October 2022

  • Action: Consolidate advice and guidance for cost of living
  • Complete: November 2022
  • Action: Cost of living, prepare safety nets – 3rd Sector Forum, Warm Spaces
  • Complete: November 2022

  • Action: Cost of living, provide targeted support
  • Complete: January 2023

Legal and Justice Reform

  • Action: Receive an Independent Review into Legal Services and consider recommendations for implementation of reform
  • Complete: May 2023
  • Action: Commission an Independent Review into the role of the Attorney General
  • Complete: May 2023
  • Action: Establish a Community Safety Partnership (initially using the provisions of the Justice Reform Act to create a subcommittee of the Criminal Justice Board) in partnership with the third sector to address early interventions.
  • Complete: April 2023
  • Action: Effective implementation of the Sexual Offences and Obscene Publication Act 2021
  • Complete: April 2024

Highway Maintenance Charter

  • Action: Draft highways maintenance charter for regular road, roadside & leisure route maintenance
  • Complete: April 2022
  • Action: Complete final charter
  • Complete: June 2024

Housing and Communities Board Action Plan

  • Action: Establish the housing & communities board
  • Complete: January 2022
  • Action: Housing & communities first action plan
  • Complete: April 2022
  • Action: Implement the interim revisions to the first time buyer fixed and choice schemes
  • Complete: August 2022
  • Action: Addressing Homelessness -Explore effective ways to signpost individuals, families, agencies and organisations to the most correct and up-to-date information and services available within the homelessness pathway
  • Complete: July 2024

Transport Strategy

  • Action: Transport strategy initial scoping
  • Complete: June 2022

Built Environment Reform Programme

  • Action: Built environment reform programme launch
  • Complete: July 2022

  • Action: Review the town centre first model - written report with recommendations
  • Complete: July 2022
  • Action: Incentivise Investment: Investigate and Recommend a Supportive Framework
  • Complete: June 2024
  • Action: Incentivise Investment: Bring vacant buildings and sites back into beneficial use
  • Complete: September 2024

Residency Migration and Security

  • Action: Council of Ministers approval of delivery paper for securing our entry points
  • Complete: March 2024
  • Action: Securing our entry points Implementation Plan Complete
  • Complete: May 2024
  • Action: Report on Inward Migration incentives and disincentives to be published to the Register of Business by the last day of July 2024
  • Complete: July 2024

An Island of health & wellbeing

Blue light Strategy

  • Action: Develop the regional Blue Lights strategy.
  • Complete: June 2023

Carer Strategy and Young Carer Strategy

  • Action: Carer Strategy and Young Carer Strategy, publish survey findings
  • Complete: March 2023
  • Action: Publish Carer and Young Carer strategy and action plan
  • Complete: June 2024

Child First Policy

  • Action: Research into the development of a Child First approach. 
  • Complete:  June 2023

Children's Commissioner

  • Action: Consider the role, benefit and remit of a Children's Commissioner across Government.
  • Complete:  June 2023

Domestic Abuse Plan

  • Action: Finalise a Domestic Abuse Protocol
  • Complete: February 2023

  • Action: Develop a Domestic Abuse Plan for consultation.
  • Target date:  June 2023
  • Revised date:  September 2023

Health and Care Transformation

  • Action: Health & care transformation November report
  • Complete: November 2022
  • Action: Annual report to Tynwald on progress of the implementation of the Health & Care Transformation Programme.
  • Complete: June 2023
  • Action: Annual report to Tynwald on progress of the implementation of the Health & Care Transformation Programme.
  • Complete: June 2024

Mental Health and Suicide Report Recommendations

  • Action: Create action plan to implement recommendations of the Tynwald committee mental health & suicide reports
  • Complete: June 2023

Restoration & Recovery

  • Action: Funding secured for restoration & recovery (waiting lists)
  • Complete: October 2022
  • Action: Build and service design for a dedicated sexual assault referral centre
  • Complete: June 2022
  • Action: Restoration & Recovery, initial business case development
  • Complete: March 2023

Suicide Prevention Strategy

  • Action: Publish Suicide Prevention Strategy and produce action plan
  • Complete: March 2023
  • Action: In response to Tynwald Resolution, High level Suicide Prevention Implementation plan and Resource Plan laid before Tynwald.
  • Complete: October 2023

Review of Harms Caused by Illicit Drugs

  • Action: Complete review to ensure there is good support to address substance misuse. Bring forward future policy to address substance misuse.
  • Complete: 2023
  • Action: Review of Illicit Substance Report debated in Tynwald.
  • Complete: 2023

National Autism Strategy

  • Action: Publish National Autism Strategy.
  • Complete: 2023

A strong & diverse economy

Country Strategy

  • Action: Draft Country Strategy released
  • Complete: April 2023

DfE Executive Agency Programmes

  • Action: Publish an annual plan each January for each of Finance, Digital, Business and Visit that prioritise delivery against the Economic Strategy including nurturing and protecting key sectors, modernising and adapting enabling sectors and developing new sectors
  • Complete: January 2023

NI Review

  • Action: Present the National Insurance Review to Tynwald by the Budget in 2023 with recommendations and associated delivery plan
  • Complete: February 2023

Taxation Strategy

  • Action: Outline tax strategy completed by February 2023
  • Complete: February 2023
  • Action: Tax Strategy published
  • Complete: February 2024

Economic Development

  • Action: Finance Skills Campaign
  • Complete: February 2024
  • Action: Engineering Skills Campaign 
  • Complete: January 2024
  • Action: Economic Strategy Annual Debate
  • Complete: January 2024
  • Action: DfE Executive Agency Plans Published
  • Complete: January 2024
  • Action: Innovation Challenge Finale
  • Complete: June 2024

Workforce & Skills Strategy

  • Action: Consultation on further reforms for Work Permits in December 2022
  • Complete: February 2023
  • Action: Publish Workforce & Skills Strategy
  • Complete: March 2024
  • Action: Implement a revised apprenticeship scheme based on the review undertaken.
  • Complete: April 2024

Economic Strategy

  • Action: Complete visitor economy strategy 2032 and submit to Tynwald
  • Complete: May 2022
  • Action: 10 year economic strategy Tynwald speech and first draft
  • Complete: July 2022
  • Action: Consultation on family rights legislation
  • Complete: July 2022
  • Action: Economic strategy public consultation
  • Complete: September 2022
  • Action: Strategic infrastructure needs assessment
  • Complete: October 2022
  • Action: Final economic strategy produced
  • Complete: October 2022
  • Action: Economic strategy approved by Tynwald
  • Complete: November 2022

Travel Connectivity: air and sea

  • Action: Agreement on strategy vs operations ownership agreed by Council
  • Complete: February 2024
  • Action: Liverpool Ferry Terminal Opening
  • Complete: June 2024

An environment we can be proud of

Energy Strategy

  • Action: Energy Bill completed
  • Complete: November 2022
  • Action: Develop a plan for energy security for our Island with support from the Climate Change Transformation Board.
  • Complete: July 2023

Climate Change Action Plan

  • Action: Roadmap and action plan to net zero published
  • Complete: July 2022
  • Action: Climate Change Annual Report to Tynwald July
  • Complete: July 2023
  • Action: Climate Change Act presented to the Council of Ministers
  • Complete: February 2024
  • Action: Climate Change Act secondary legislation debated in Tynwald
  • Complete: March 2024
  • Action: Climate Change Annual Report to Tynwald July
  • Complete: July 2024

Environment Strategy

  • Action: Review areas considered as bathing areas based on use not designation
  • Complete: April 2023

  • Action: Undertake and complete a trial for year round bathing water quality testing.
  • Complete: June 2023

Implement Waste Strategy

  • Action: Report on waste strategy submitted to Tynwald
  • Complete: July 2022

Energy Security - Onshore 20MW Renewable Energy by 2026

  • Action: Initial feasibility report into commercial options for Onshore 20MW Renewable Energy by 2026
  • Complete: February 2023
  • Action: Commence implementation
  • Complete: July 2023
  • Action: Scoping Report Submission & Consultation
  • Complete: January 2024

Energy Security - (Offshore Wind)

  • Action: Submission of Marine Infrastructure Management Act (MIMA) secondary legislation presented to the Council of Ministers
  • Target date: June 2024

Water Security Strategy

  • Action: Develop and publish a Plan for Water Security by June 2023.
  • Complete: June 2023

Territorial Seas

  • Action: Offshore Wind Opportunities – Market testing to ascertain interest from wind farm enterprises in installing turbines in Manx Waters.
  • Complete: 2023

Outstanding lifelong learning & development for all

Childcare Strategy

  • Action: Draft childcare strategy brought to Tynwald
  • Complete: March 2022
  • Action: Final childcare strategy brought to Tynwald
  • Complete: July 2022
  • Action: Bring forward the business case to Treasury
  • Complete: July 2023
  • Action: Phased Implementation of the Childcare Strategy from budget 2024/25 commences
  • Complete: April 2024

Revised UCM Strategy

  • Action: New UCM strategy complete and published
  • Complete: August 2022
  • Action: Revised UCM Strategy
  • Complete: March 2023

Education Funding Review

  • Action: Report into the review of education funding
  • Complete: July 2023

Youth Strategy

  • Action: Draft Youth Strategy
  • Complete: December 2022
  • Action: Youth Strategy Finalised
  • Complete: July 2023

Education Continuous Improvement

  • Action: Education quality assurance plan in place
  • Complete: September 2022
  • Action: Appropriate standards and independent inspection in place
  • Complete: September 2022

  • Action: Continuous education staff development plan in place
  • Complete: September 2022

  • Action: Education Quality Assurance Plan implemented
  • Target date: September 2023

In addition to the actions completed above, there have been other key achievements since the publication of the Island Plan in January 2022, in particular Governments response to the Ukraine conflict and the cost of living response.

Government response to the Ukraine conflict

The Russian invasion of Ukraine brought about wide reaching and complex sets of considerations. A cross Government immediate response together with a strategic response was mobilised. Efforts were prioritised towards both our international and humanitarian response but also ensured we reduced or mitigated the impact of the conflict on our Island; ensuring security of key services and supplies and anticipating the impact of significant inflation. Key achievements include the issuing of 129 visas, provision of community support and monitoring and implementation of UK sanctions.

Government response to the cost of living crisis

A range of interventions to support Island residents with the rising pressure on the cost of living, particularly from increases in fuel and energy prices have been put in place, including:

Provide Universal Interventions

Electricity prices capped until 31st March 2023 & bus fares capped at a maximum of £2 per journey until 31st January 2023.

Consolidate Advice and Guidance

Encourage Energy Reductions and Efficiencies

    • Campaign and associated website launched
    • Green Living Grant Scheme amended
    • Government’s own energy consumption reviewed

Maintained Our Economy

    • Domestic Events Fund launched (to support warm spaces)
    • LoveIOM Card incentives launched

Prepare Safety Nets

Provide targeted support

Provide further energy support and family support payments.