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Strategic programmes:
An Island of health and wellbeing

Live Island Plan Initiatives

  • Restoration & Recovery Programme
  • Health & Care Transformation 
  • Mental Health & Suicide Report Recommendation
  • Suicide Prevention Strategy
  • Starting Well & Developing Well in Childhood
  • Review of Harms Caused by Illicit Drugs & Develop Policy to Address Harms
  • Blue Light Strategy
  • Implement Recommendations of the July 2021 Poverty Report
  • Mental Health & Children’s Mental Health Strategy
  • Carer Strategy & Young Carer Strategy
  • Child First policy

Restoration & Recovery Programme

  • Action: Restoration & Recovery funding submission completed
  • Target date: April 2024
  • Revised target date: July 2024

Health & Care Transformation

  • Action: Health and Care Transformation Programme - Annual Report to Tynwald
  • Target date: July 2024

Mental Health & Suicide Report Recommendations

  • Action: Recommendations of the Tynwald Committee Mental Health & Suicide Reports Implemented.
  • Target date: June 2025

Suicide Prevention Action Plan Implemented.

  • Action: Suicide Prevention Action Plan Implemented.
  • Target date: 2027

Starting Well and Developing Well in Childhood

  • Action: Define and deliver early intervention strategies
  • Target date: September 2024

Review of Harms Caused by Illicit Drugs & Develop Policy to Address Harms

  • Action: Review of Illicit Substance Policy principles debated in Tynwald.
  • Target date: April 2024
  • Revised target date: November 2024

Blue Light Strategy

  • Action: Feasibility study for Central & Western Blue Light Hub
  • Target date: September 2024

Implement Recommendations of the July 2021 Poverty Report

  • Action: Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) analysis.
  • Target date: November 2024
  • Action: Align minimum wage with living wage
  • Target date: April 2025
  • Action: Implement recommendations of the July 2021 Poverty Report.
  • Target date: April 2025

Mental Health & Children's Mental Health Strategy published

  • Action: Publish the strategy and action plan..
  • Target date: December 2024

Child First Policy

  • Action: Research into the development of a Child First Policy completed
  • Target date: May 2024

Completed actions

View the completed actions for this strategic programme